Category: Forensics

Points: 300


Marian Rogers Croak is a Vice President of Engineering at Google. She was previously the Senior Vice President of Research and Development at AT&T. She holds more than 200 patents. She was inducted into the Women in Technology International Hall of Fame in 2013. In 2022, Croak was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for her patent regarding VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Technology. She is one of the first two Black women to receive that honor, along with Patricia Bath. Her invention allows users to make calls over the internet instead of a phone line. Today, the widespread use of VoIP technology is vital for remote work and conferencing. - Wikipedia Entry

Challenge: Find the discarded flag and return it to this Hall of Fame Inventor

Disk Image: disk_img

Because this gives us a disk image, I always start by using autopsy, especially since the challenge mentions a ‘discarded flag’ so I want to look for deleted items.


Looking through the disk there is not much to see except for a pcap file which looks promising. Extracting this file to my desktop, I can open it up in wireshark to analyze next.


We know that Marian Croak was known for VoIP and I see some SIP protocol packets that seem to hold the most information. So after quickly looking up what I can do with them on wireshark, I saw that under telephony -> VoIP Calls we can see a list of them and even play them.


I listened to all of them and once you reach the last two which are 24 and 23 seconds long, you can hear the flag being spelled out for you. It took a few tries to determine what was being said but after some trial and error I got the flag chctf{d3v3l0p3d_vo1c3_0v3r_1p}.